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President's Corner

Dear Fellow Alumni:


It’s in that spirit of paying it forward that the Austin Chapter prepares to quote that report from Summer 2023 and show their “First and Foremost” and be a “Doer”—one who is Determined, Disciplined and is a Disruptor.


My number one goal as president is to increase the involvement of our association as it pertains to being a “Doer” for Huston-Tillotson University.


It’s time to reconnect! When was the last time you spoke to your school classmates? When was the last time you came back to the school to see the remarkable changes and remodeling that has occurred over the past 10 years? Now is the time!


I am personally inviting you to consider joining or rejoining the Austin Chapter. The vision of our chapter is to build a strong alumni organization to enhance the education and social experiences of the students enrolled in the University.  Dedication to excellence and achievement must be as evident today as it has been throughout the rich history of the school.


The financial support that you offer to the alumni association goes to help fund events that directly benefit current students. Besides supplying future scholarships to the various clubs and organizations, we want to position the alumni association in aiding to provide stress-reducing events such as ice cream socials, school essential give-back drives, wine and cheese happy hours, and snacks to keep students going while embarking on their educational journey.


Our privilege as alumni is to support Huston-Tillotson University and each generation of HTU. I hope you’ll take the time to get involved and make a connection. I know you won’t regret it.


I thank you all again for giving me the opportunity to represent your needs and the task of bringing new life to the alumni association.



-April Briscoe, Class of 06’


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